How to Reverse a String in Python

Posted in Python by Dirk - last update: Dec 18, 2023

There is no built-in function in Python to reverse a string. Strings can be reversed using following methods:

  1. Using Slicing
  2. Using reversed with join()
  3. Using a loop
  4. Using reduce() from functools
  5. Using "".join()

Choose the method that best fits your needs based on factors such as readability, memory efficiency, and performance.

For most cases, using slicing or reversed() with join() is recommended due to their simplicity and decent performance.

Using Slicing

The slicing method for reversing a string in Python involves using the slice notation [::-1] to create a reversed copy of the original string.

In short:

original_string = "Hello, World!"

reversed_string = original_string[::-1]

How this works:

  • [::-1] is a slice notation in Python that represents a slice of the entire string (:), and the -1 as the step indicates that it should be traversed in reverse order.
  • The slice notation [start:stop:step] creates a subsequence of the original string starting from the end (stop is omitted, and start is omitted, so it defaults to the end of the string) and moving backward by one character at a time (step is -1).
  • This effectively reverses the string.


  • Conciseness: The slicing method is concise and considered Pythonic. It achieves the reversal in a single line of code.


  • Memory Usage: This method creates a new string object in memory, which may not be memory-efficient for large strings. If memory efficiency is critical, using in-place reversal methods like looping or using reversed() with join() might be more suitable

Example in detail

original_string = "Hello, World!"
reversed_string = original_string[::-1]


!dlroW ,olleH


This method is popular due to its simplicity and readability. It’s not recommended however for large strings, due to the potential memory issues.

Using ‘reversed()’ with ‘join()’

Using reversed() with join() is an efficient way to reverse a string without creating a new string object.

An example:

original_string = "Hello, World!"

reversed_string = ''.join(reversed(original_string))



!dlroW ,olleH

How this works:

  • reversed(original_string) : the reversed() function takes an iterable (in this case, the original string) and returns a reverse iterator. It doesn’t create a new list but provides a way to iterate over the elements in reverse order.
  • join(iterable) the join() method is a string method that concatenates the elements of an iterable (in this case, the reverse iterator) into a single string. The empty string ’’ is used as the separator between the joined elements.
  • So, the reversed(original_string) produces a reverse iterator, and join() concatenates the characters from this iterator into a new string, effectively reversing the order of characters.


  • Memory Efficiency: Unlike methods that create a new string object, using reversed() with join() doesn’t create an additional string, making it more memory-efficient for large strings.


  • Conversion Overhead: It involves converting the string to an iterable (reverse iterator) and back to a string, which introduces some conversion overhead. However, this overhead is generally negligible compared to the memory savings.


This method is concise, memory-efficient, and often preferred when memory usage is a concern. It’s a good choice for reversing strings, especially when dealing with large amounts of data.

Using a Loop

Reversing a string with a loop is done by iterating through the characters of the original string and constructing the reversed string character by character.


original_string = "Hello, World!"

reversed_string = ''

for char in original_string:
    reversed_string = char + reversed_string


!dlroW ,olleH

How it works:

  • The loop iterates over each character (char) in the original_string.
  • In each iteration, the current character (char) is concatenated with the existing reversed_string at the beginning. This effectively builds the reversed string character by character.
  • In the first iteration - the reversed_string becomes: “H”, in the second iteration the reversed_string becomes “e”+“H” = “eH”. With each iteration, one character is added to reversed_string until it is fully reversed.


  • Customization: This method allows for customization or additional processing during the reversal. For example, you could modify the loop to perform certain operations on each character before adding it to the reversed string.


  • More Verbose: Compared to some other methods like slicing or using reversed() with join(), the loop method is slightly more verbose.


This method is straightforward and allows for additional processing within the loop if needed. While it may be slightly less concise than some other methods, it can be a good choice when you want more control over the reversal process or need to perform specific actions on each character during the reversal.

Using “".join():

Using "".join() is a common and efficient way to concatenate a sequence of strings into a single string. When combined with the reversed() function, it provides a concise and memory-efficient method for reversing a string in Python. Here’s an explanation of how this method works:

original_string = "Hello, World!"

reversed_string = "".join(reversed(original_string))



!dlroW ,olleH

Some background info:

  • reversed(original_string): the reversed() function takes an iterable (in this case, the original string) and returns a reverse iterator. It doesn’t create a new list but provides a way to iterate over the elements in reverse order.
  • "".join(iterable): the join() method is a string method that concatenates the elements of an iterable into a single string. In this case, the iterable is the reverse iterator produced by reversed(original_string).

How it Works:

reversed(original_string) produces a reverse iterator, and "".join() concatenates the characters from this iterator into a new string, effectively reversing the order of characters.


  • Memory Efficiency: Similar to the method using reversed() with join(), using "".join() doesn’t create an additional string object, making it more memory-efficient for large strings.
  • Conciseness: The combination of reversed() and "".join() provides a concise and readable one-liner for string reversal.


  • None: This method is generally efficient and has no significant disadvantages.


This method is often favored for its simplicity, readability, and memory efficiency. It’s a good choice for reversing strings, especially when dealing with large amounts of data.

Using reduce() from functools

The reduce() function from the functools module can be used to reverse a string by iteratively applying a binary function to the elements of the string.

Check the following example:

from functools import reduce

original_string = "Hello, World!"

reversed_string = reduce(lambda x, y: y + x, original_string)


!dlroW ,olleH

Some background info

  • reduce(function, iterable\[, initializer\]): The reduce() function is part of the functools module in Python. It takes a binary function (function) and an iterable (iterable). The function is applied cumulatively to the items of the iterable from left to right to reduce the iterable to a single value.

  • Lambda Function: The lambda function lambda x, y: y + x takes two arguments x and y and returns the concatenation of y and x. This effectively reverses the order of the characters.

How it works:

The reduce() function iterates over the characters of the original_string and applies the lambda function to them in a cumulative manner, effectively reversing the order of characters.


  • Functional Programming Style: The use of reduce() provides a functional programming approach to the problem.


  • Requires Importing functools: Since reduce() is part of the functools module, you need to import it before using it.


This method is concise and demonstrates a functional programming approach to string reversal. It’s a good choice if you’re familiar with functional programming concepts or if you want to explore different styles of solving problems in Python. Read: you want demonstrate your advanced programming skills to your colleagues and/or boss.

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