How to import a Python file from another directory

Posted in Python by Dirk - last update: Feb 15, 2024

If you want to import a file from another directory, you can add the part from the other directory to the system path using sys.path.append. Then you can import and use the functions from the other directory.

If both directories are intended to be part of the same package, you can use relative imports. This involves creating an file in each directory to make them Python packages.

Example: we want to use a function your_function from in with a given directory structure like this:

├── dir1/
│   └──
├── dir2/
│   └──

Using sys.path.append()

What is sys.path.append()

sys.path is a list in Python that determines the locations where Python looks for modules to import. The sys.path.append() function is used to add a directory to this list, allowing Python to search for modules in that directory.

How to use sys.path.append()


import sys

# Display the initial sys.path
print("Initial sys.path:")

# Append a directory to sys.path 
sys.path.append('/path/to/dir1')   # Replace '/path/to/dir1' with the absolute path to dir1
# In this case - as both directories share the same parent you could use the relative path
sys.path.append('../dir1')  # Assuming dir1 is at the same level as dir2 - sharming the same path

from function1 import your_function

# Now you can use your_function in

What does this code fragment do:

  • The initial sys.path is printed, showing the directories that Python searches for modules.
  • The /path/to/directory (or the relative path ../dir1 if the directories are on the same level) is appended to sys.path using sys.path.append('/path/to/directory') (or sys.path.append('../dir1') .
  • The updated sys.path is printed, showing the addition of the new directory.
  • You can now import modules from the /path/to/directory in your script.

Keep in mind that modifying sys.path directly should be done with caution, as it can affect the behavior of your entire Python environment. It’s often better to use other mechanisms for managing dependencies and imports, such as virtual environments or packaging solutions like setuptools.

Also: Using absolute paths risk to make your code less portable, so use with care.

Using relative imports

If both and are intended to be part of the same package, you can use relative imports. This involves creating an file in each directory to make them Python packages.

The directory structure from the example above then becomes:

├── dir1/
│   ├──
│   └──
├── dir2/
│   ├──
│   └──

Now, you can import in


from ..dir1.function1 import your_function

# Now you can use your_function in

What is a package in Python

In Python, a package is a way of organizing related modules into a single directory hierarchy. It helps in organizing code and avoids naming conflicts between different modules.

A package is essentially a directory that contains a special file called (which can be empty) and may also contain subpackages and modules.

Here is a simple example to illustrate the concept of a package:

|-- subpackage/
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--

In this example:

  • my_package is the main package directory.
  • files are used to indicate that a directory should be considered a Python package. They can be empty or may contain initialization code.
  • and are modules within the package.
  • subpackage is a subpackage within the main package.
  • and are modules within the subpackage.

To import modules from a package, you can use the import statement. For example:

# Importing modules from the package
from my_package import module1
from my_package.subpackage import submodule1

# Using the imported modules

Packages provide a way to structure and organize code in a hierarchical manner, making it easier to manage and maintain large codebases. They also help in avoiding naming conflicts by encapsulating functionality within separate namespaces.

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